Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Pics

Here are my pics from Christmas, I went to visit the Vinsons for Christmas so I posted a lot of pics of them. (if you don't know who they are then go back to my beach post, there are pics of them there to) Oh and I know that a lot of them are black and white and that's because for some reason I REALLY like black and white pics. As usual please comment.

Cute bill is walking. (for those of you who don't know he has E.B which is a really bad skin problem so please pray for him.)


Mark playing bop it, it was part of his Christmas present. (it is a really fun game...if you have never played it you should try it, it looks little kiddish but it is actually pretty hard especially on expert lvl)


Mom and I

Mark and Maria (isn't that so cute ;)

all of our stockings (mine is the red one with white on top towards the right)


Anim and Bill (awww)

This is the Vinson family out Christmas singing.

The whole family together (except for Anim and Bill)

The 3 Vinson kids.



Look at Bills face, isn't it sooo adorable ;)

What boy doesn't want to learn about trucks :D

Beautiful Noelle ;D (I LOVE your boots)

Bill looks soooo happy, it's adorable.